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Writer's picture: Jacqueline Jacqueline

Energetic vibration is the frequency in which an energy field is emitting.

Science has measured the human energy field to be somewhere around 62 to 68 Hz. Meanwhile a the frequency of a rose is 320 MHz - possibly one of the highest readings on earth. Every person and every living thing emits a frequency and holds an energetic vibration.

This means every single one of us is emitting an energetic vibration at all times.

Everything that exists in the physical world has a vibration.

Now you might be asking, what controls the energtic frequency that comes from each person?

In short, our heart and brain influence this frequency — the emotions we feel and the thoughts we hold and how we decide to project them.

Researchers at the HeartMath Institute in California have even discovered that the heart emits an electromagnetic energetic field that extends almost three feet from the body. This is amazing scientific evidence!

This also means, our thoughts are so much more powerful than we realize!

To better understand how our thoughts influence our energetic body, we can think about how our thoughts send triggers to our body and brain which is then responsible for releasing chemicals (like dopamine and cortisol among many). These thoughts also have the power to regulate our nervous system. Our most primitive ancestors survived this way by yielding into flight, fright, freeze. So, of course if these physical responses are happening, we are energetically responding as well....remember it’s all about equilibrium!

when you are happy, your energetic vibration increases, whereas, when you feel fear or shame it is lowered. This is not to say that you stay in these states forever, but just as your vibrations can be lowered it can also be raised. This energy is palpable and perhaps you can even recall a time that you walked into a room and just knew the person standing next to you was angry or sad without even speaking to them. Maybe their energy even “rubbed off” on you in an exchange, putting you in an unexpected bad mood.

So, now that you realize you are essentially made of energy and your energetic self is always working to achieve balance within and with your surroundings, how does this effect you? And why is this important to know?

Most importantly, this evidence validates that "energetic vibration" is real. And secondly, it's amazing to know that with conscious thought and our free will, we can become an active participant in changing our energetic vibration!

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